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Good at You
Because a great relationship starts with yourself.....
Empowered Dating & Relationship coaching
You know you’re a great catch.
You’re talented. Successful. Adventurous. Passionate. You have a great sense of humor. Kick ass friends. You're intelligent and articulate. You’ve done a ton of personal work and know yourself well. You're well traveled. Vibrant. You're fit and active and take great care of yourself. You have an amazing life and KNOW you have so much to offer a partner, yet still…..can't seem to find the right guy.
So what the f*ck is up you’re wondering?!
Are you completely confused as to why you’re still single and wonder why you haven’t met the right guy yet? Worried that there might be some blind spot you’re not seeing that’s preventing you from meeting him?
Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns and making the same ‘mistakes’ over and over and OVER again, with each man you’re with? Always swearing you’ll do it differently next time, only to end up repeating the same pattern.... yet again?
Are you completely burnt out and frustrated with dating? Exhausted from going on date after date — never finding anyone who truly feels like the right fit for you?
Do you find yourself over-analyzing your interactions with men — plagued by self-doubt when it comes comes to the best way to handle uncomfortable situations and wondering if you’re handling things in a way that might actually be interfering with your dating success?
Are you sick of your friends and family telling you you’re being “too picky” with men? But come didn’t wait this long for the right partner only to settle and be with someone you’re not totally crazy about!
Are you worried that you might not find your partner in time to have the kids and family you’ve always longed for? Feeling your biological clock ticking and starting to wonder if it’s just not going to happen for you? And if not, then what....?
Are you overwhelmed by online dating? Wondering if there’s some better and more efficient way you should be navigating it — so perhaps you can.... I don’t know...actually enjoy the process?
Finally understand the deeper truth as to why you’re still single and see with crystal clarity what your blind spots are and what to do about them.
Truly understand the patterns you keep repeating in your relationships and all the ways you’ve been unconsciously sabotaging yourself in love —- finally putting those behaviors (aka: “relationship gremlins”) to rest once and for all!
Learn new tools that completely transform your dating experience from one that feels frustrating and exhausting to one where you feel empowered, peaceful, authentic, and joyful. Learn how to shift the quality of men you’re attracting as well, so you can actually start enjoying the dating process. (Yes, it IS possible!!)
Improve your communication skills, personal boundaries, and all around confidence level — so that you can eliminate anxiety and self-doubt when it comes to the way you connect with men. Communicate confidently and authentically with men in a language they respect, understand, and feel connected to — and in a way that leaves you feeling empowered, calm and centered.
Never question yourself again when it comes to the idea that you might be “too picky” with men. Come to a place of clarity around the kind of man you want to spend your life with, the qualities that you must have in a partner, and the places you can and can’t compromise — so that you can call forward the perfect match for you without settling OR being too picky.
Free yourself from any ambiguity around the ‘kids’ question... and get absolutely laser clear on what’s most important to you, right now, at this point in your life — free from any societal and familial expectations or pressures that may have been influencing you. Move forward from an empowered place of true certainty – and have a clear plan of what steps you need to take next to have the partnership and family you truly desire
Get my personally tested tips and tricks on how to make online dating a fun and smooth experience. Learn how to spot hidden ‘red flags’ in men’s profiles, how to tell which men to engage with versus ones you can let go of —- and learn key, specific things you can to do to attract the kinds of quality men you're deeply attracted to!

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